Can it Be Too Much?
I'm in several writing groups as well as poetry study groups. I lead a couple of them. In these groups people talk about their other groups or classes. Are we 'grouping' too much and writing too little?
Online or in person, it is a great learning tool to be with others who share the same interests. But I wonder if I'm getting too wrapped up with those type things when I should be writing.
I rarely pay for classes or workshops but there is a plethora of free activities online. I participate in so many of them –
silent writing time
reading and studying poetry
critique of poetry
free workshops on writing or editing
listening to poets read or talk
Those are a few I can think of. I have learned so much from my various groups and people I've met through them I wouldn't give it up. Some people, I've noticed, fall back on the classes, workshops, etc. when they don't know what the next step is for their writing.
I understand that – I've done it. But should I?
I think it's a good idea to seriously look at all my commitments with groups. Do they give me as much as I give them? If not, perhaps I should curtail at least a couple of my activities.
That might open a few hours more for writing.
Or sleeping. I need that too.