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I got a dog on December 29. I've been wanting one, searching the Facebook rescue groups, Humane Society, Petfinder. I filled out applications, even brought a dog, Oscar, home for about a day. My cat, Thunder, attacked Oscar in his face with no provocation from the dog. Thunder is 17 ½ and deaf. When I walked Oscar, he was quite aggressive when he saw another dog across the street, lunging and barking, so it worked out for the best.

Jose' is between 3-4 years old, younger than I'd planned. I'd gone to the Humane Society with a list of 4 dogs to see. None of those were friendly with cats. The girl behind the counter recommended 'Bandito.' Due to overcrowding, Bandito was living in an office with a cat. Of course, I wanted to meet him.

Just look at his face. That is his scared face because he is terrified of Thunder. My cat has not attacked Jose'. He has hissed at him and picked at his food, but Jose' is afraid.

My dog, Barkley, died in 2020 so it's been over 3 years since Thunder has been around a dog. In April 2023, my cat Esse died at age 17 1/2.  Shortly after that, Thunder lost his hearing, probably from old age.

Why the name change? Why Jose'? I didn't like 'Bandito.' I'd decided that if I got a female dog her name would be Boots because, 'these Boots are made for walkin.' If I got a male, I'd call him Jose'. On walks I can say, 'No way, Jose',' and 'This way, Jose'.' He's so smart, he understands and is already learning his name.

Jose' was a stray and lived in the office with a cat at the Humane Society for a month. He's not officially mine yet. He's a foster-to-adopt until they get him neutered. While he's 'not my dog,' I can't let him around other dogs or take him to the vet, but I can get him a bath. That's coming up soon; he needs it. I can't bathe him myself because of my back.

You can probably tell from the photo that Jose' is a pit bull mix. I love all dogs and don't believe in breed discrimination. My apartment complex doesn't have breed or size restrictions, but their rules are very strict.

Thunder knew something about the first dog, Oscar, that I found out when I walked him. He had the potential for aggression. That must have been why Thunder attacked him. If I'd kept Oscar and he'd attacked another dog, I would have been given the ultimatum: move or find another home for the dog.

I don't believe Jose' has an aggressive bone in his body. I'll be patient and wait it out. In time, Thunder will get used to him being here and stop hissing at him. They might eventually become friends. Or not. But at least things will settle down and Jose' can relax and not be afraid.

If you are looking for a pet, please don't go to a breeder. The shelters and rescues are bursting at the seams. For every one animal adopted they take in three. I look at the shelters and rescues as one big pool. It didn't matter where I found a dog because if I took one, it would open a half-space for another one. The high-kill shelters are even more overcrowded with wonderful cats and dogs. Most are required by law to put the animals down after a certain time. Don't judge the employees. It's the system.

For now, I'll continue working with Jose' and hope this period of Thunder's anger passes quickly.




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Glen Campbell

Do you name your vehicles? I've been naming mine since I bought a 1986 Chevy Suburban in 1989. My then-husband and I named the big two-tone brown guy Glen, after Glen Campbell.

Glen had a hit song in 1981 called "I Love My Truck." As one would suspect from the title, the song is all about his truck. No matter what happened to him he could always count on his truck.

The '86 Suburban was the first vehicle to be named for Campbell. I'm writing this at least partly, so I don't forget their names. I don't remember the years of the cars, but I remember the models.

1986 Suburban – Glen

1999 Tahoe – Glen Too

Toyota Rav 4 – Glen Jr.

Toyota Camry – Glenda

Toyota Corola – Glenna

2021 Toyota Rav 4 – Glenard

2022 Toyota Highlander – Campbell

2019 Ford Edge – Gladys

Okay, so I ran out of 'Glen' names. 'Campbell' was fitting for the Highlander because it sounded Scottish. I needed to expand so I decided to branch out and include other names that started with 'GL.' Hence, 'Gladys.'

You can see from the list, I prefer Toyotas. Gladys just got a new transmission so she might have a longer life. After this, however, I hope to return to Rav 4!

Wonder what I'll name it?



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Christmas Morning

I am not shy about telling people where I stand when it comes to religion. When I told a friend I wasn't Christian she said it was her "duty" to convert me. (She was only halfway joking but hasn't tried.)

A couple of assumptions follow my statement of "I'm not Christian." I am usually asked these questions, or someone makes certain statements.

1.     "So, you don't believe in God?"

2.     "Since you don't celebrate Christmas…"

I'd like to address these issues here.

1.     "So, you don't believe in God?"

Just because I profess that I'm not of the same faith as you, doesn't mean I don't believe in God.

2.     "Since you don't celebrate Christmas…"

The guy who said this evidently didn't see the gift bags I have here for my family.

Here's what I believe.

Jesus was a person who lived long ago and was a leader among his people. He was a religious zealot who went against the government of the day and was killed for his actions. His followers continued his stories.

Son of God? Yes, in the same way that you and I are. But Jesus was not the only charismatic leader. Islam and Judaism call Jerusalem the birthplace of their religions, too.

Did he rise from the dead? That depends on what you mean. After my mother died, she came to me in spirit a few times. I heard and saw her.

I am. You are. The trees, oceans, my cat, rocks. Everywhere and everything is God.

If all humans believed Life was precious there would be no war.

The assumptions about me will continue, I'm sure. I think the next time that guy who thinks I don't celebrate Christmas comes to borrow something, I'll have a surprise for him. On my Pinterest page, I have a collection of my favorite Christmas song performed by various artists. The song is "Carol of the Bells." I'll have it up and playing.

Yes, it's a beautiful, Christian song.




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My car has been in the shop since the Monday before Thanksgiving. When I finally get her back, she should be like new, and the repairs will be free to me. Mostly.


Gladys (that's my car's name) almost died in the parking lot of the Marriott East hotel the Sunday before Thanksgiving when I attended the volunteer meeting for Starbase Indy. I barely made it home that day. She shimmied and shook all the way with two of her lights on and blinking. The next day, I used my Zurich roadside assistance and had it towed to a shop about twenty minutes away. Tuesday the shop owner called me. The transmission was shot, and they don't work on transmissions.


I'd suspected something was wrong because Gladys had been shaking for a while, but I'd only had the car for two months! Did I get a used lemon? I'd traded my 2023 Toyota Highlander because I couldn't afford the payments and got the 2019 Ford Edge in September.


Keeping my anger in check, (yes, I can do that) I spoke to the service manager at the Toyota place. He said that Zurich covered more than just road service. It would also pay for a transmission if I took it to their Ford service garage.


Hallelujah! Zurich sent a truck to the first garage and towed it to the Ford garage, but it was an hour away, so I had to pay part of the cost of that tow, a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of a transmission. That was Wednesday before Thanksgiving.


Zurich paid for me to have a rental car for ten days, believing my car would be repaired by then. I'd already paid for a rental car myself, hoping they would reimburse me, and they did. I returned the car on December 6 and got a ride to the Ford garage to pick up my car because it was supposedly ready. I got ten minutes away and Gladys died at a 4-way stop.


This time the Ford place is paying for me rental car. They are reimbursing me for the wrecker. They sent a driver to take me home. I spoke to them yesterday and was told I'm getting a new transmission, paid for by Zurich. Gladys should be ready by Tuesday, December 12.


I paid my neighbor to take me to get my car the first time, I'll have to do that again. If I truly have a new transmission, that should be like having a new car.


We shall see.



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