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My responses to Sad Goose Cooperative Prompts. Two made it into their journal, issue 2.


Mona Mehas (she/her) writes poetry and prose from the perspective of a retired disabled teacher in Indiana USA. Paddler Press nominated her poem 'In 1920' for a Pushcart Prize in November 2023. Her work has appeared in over 70 journals, anthologies, and online museums. Her first chapbook, Questions I Didn't Know I'd Asked was published by LJMcD Communications in March 2024 and is available on Amazon. Her second book of poetry, Hand-Me-Downs, is due out July 18. Two of Mona's poems received first place honors in the 2023 Poetry Society of Indiana Fall contest. You can read those poems in the Poetry Society publication, Ink to Paper, volume 8, available on Amazon. She is looking to publish her science fantasy novel, Under the Bubble and is writing a novel in verse.


Aside from her own writing, Mona is now the co-director of the Poetry Society of Indiana Fall Contest, as well as the Society's second Vice President. She has begun dipping into the world of editing with a new press. We will soon have a poetry anthology honoring lost artists, members of the '27 Club.' Due out November 2024, Mona is contributor and Editor in chief.


Follow her everywhere at the links below.

Tweets @Patienc77732097  
